
Tell me your thoughts!

Once in a while, when I see something that really speaks to me. I’m caught off guard, and I think, “I could never afford that.”, or “Is this a good investment?” or “That doesn’t seem like something I would like, but – – I really like it.”  

That’s when I back up and really consider what’s important to me in life.  Will it be new clothing, or jewelry, or event tickets, that will bring me joy?  Or will I buy this hand-made artwork? 

Seeing a piece of original art in your room is like greeting an old – or new – friend.  Each day you see new things in it.  Each day you remember the feelings that were with you on the day you bought it.  Each day you see a story in it that no other person sees.  THAT is the value of your investment.  THAT is why you were drawn to it in the first place.  And that is why I understand how special it is to you.  Trust me, if you love one of my pieces of art, I will make sure you can afford it.  Please contact me!  Hugs, cat

Contact Form

Please send me your questions or comments.  I’d love to hear from you!

Cat Insley,
Fine Artist

Please use the Contact Form to:

  • Ask any questions
  • Obtain further information about original pieces available for sale
  • Or to make an appointment to meet at my Studio in the Tannery Row Artist Colony, GA
Tannery Row Artist Colony, Studio 99,
554 W Main St, Buford, GA 30518


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